Privacy & Policy

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TOMREV AI respects your privacy and treats your personal data responsibly and securely. This Privacy Policy applies to personal data collected and used to carry out the operation of the TOMREV AI Platform, to answer your questions and to send you our news. Your personal data will always be treated as anonymously as possible.

TOMREV AI reserves the right to modify its Privacy Policy at any time, without notice, in particular in order to adapt it to new applicable legislative requirements and to update the necessary information in the light of legislative changes.


Information obtained via the form at the time of registration
First and last name (when registering on the Platform): We ask for your first and last name so that we can know who you are and link the account to your login details. This information will not be used for any other purpose.
Email address: We ask for your email address to ensure that you are a real person when you contact us and to enable us to respond to you. All accounts on our Platform must be associated with a valid email address. You can unsubscribe from our services at any time by sending us an email to that effect. Your e-mail address may also be used to send you news via our newsletter if you have chosen to subscribe.
Message: If you contact us to ask a question or make a comment, you largely control the information we receive from you. For example, you can send us an e-mail in which you also mention your Twitter account or your professional e-mail address, etc...

Information obtained at the time of payment

We use the services of the third-party provider, Stripe Inc. to manage all transactions and payments. When you choose to subscribe to a package on our Platform, you will automatically be redirected to and taken care of by the Stripe provider to make the payment. Thus, all the data you transmit will be entirely handled by this provider, whose Privacy Policy can be found at We do not have access to or store in any way the data you share to process any payment.

Use of cookies

We use analytical cookies, via Google Analytics, to produce performance reports concerning user browsing habits on our website such as: origin of traffic, most popular pages, number of clicks, etc. This data is also anonymous, and you can choose whether or not to share it at any time. We use this data to offer you content that is more relevant to your needs. You can obtain more details about the management of this type of cookie at any time by clicking on the following link:

We do not use cookies to generate personalized advertisements for you. We only use Google Analytics cookies, which are managed entirely by Google.

To refuse or personalize your consent to the use of cookies on our website, please follow the link below. You will be redirected to the Google Analytics page:

Subscribe to TOMREV AI newsletter

If you subscribe to our newsletter, we'll keep you up to date with the latest news on TOMREV AI activities and related topics. In every e-mail you receive, you'll have the opportunity to unsubscribe from the newsletter. You will receive e-mails on a quarterly basis about data and its use in the service of the community.

We use the services of Mailchimp to prepare and send our newsletter. Mailchimp is a company in compliance with the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), under which it guarantees the right of citizens to request the rectification of their information as well as its erasure.

Data shared via connected social networks

If you wish to publish content generated by TOMREV AI on social networks, you must first log in to the relevant social network. The social network is then responsible for processing your data.

Under no circumstances can TOMREV AI be held responsible for the data that social network providers such as Google, Facebook, Instagram or Twitter collect about you.

Backup and storage of your data

TOMREV AI uses secure technological infrastructures for data storage. The data you share with us is stored in the Microsoft Azure digital cloud which is based in Canada.


We will not pass on your personal data to third parties without your explicit and specific consent. However, in certain cases, the law requires us to disclose your information to the relevant authorities.

In certain cases where data is to be communicated, TOMREV AI will be required to conduct a Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA). This assessment will be carried out in particular in the following cases:
• Disclosure of personal information without consent for research, study or statistical purposes;
• As part of a project to acquire, develop and/or redesign an information system or provide electronic services involving personal information;
• Disclosure of personal information outside the province of Quebec, if applicable.

We secure your data responsibly, taking into account current practices and expectations. However, no system or platform is without fault. If you suspect that your information is being misused, or if you have a complaint, please contact us as soon as possible via the following e-mail address:


TOMREV AI does not keep your personal data longer than necessary, taking into account the need to answer questions, solve problems, improve our services and offer new ones and meet legal requirements. We destroy personal information when the purpose for which it was collected has been fulfilled, subject to the conditions and retention periods set out in any applicable law. You may request the deletion of your data or unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time.

Your personal information will be anonymized if it is to be used for serious and legitimate purposes.


TOMREV AI takes the necessary measures to avoid any incident that could affect your personal data. However, should such an event occur, TOMREV AI keeps a record of incidents and will take prompt action to reduce the risk of harm to data subjects.

The person to contact in the event of an incident is David Patenaude, whose contact details are as follows:

bTelephone: +1 800-445-9743



• You are under no obligation to provide personal data. However, not providing personal data means that the TOMREV AI team is unable to answer your questions or subscribe you to its newsletter.
• You can ask for your personal data to be corrected or for additional information to be added.
• You can request access to your personal data.
• Your right to data portability: you can receive your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format.
• Your right to limit the processing of your personal data: you have the right to request that the processing of your personal data be limited in the future.
• You have the right to revoke the consent you have given (e.g. subscription to the newsletter), without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on your consent prior to its revocation.
• You always have the right to request the deletion of your data.
• You have the right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority, such as the Quebec Commission of Access to Information.


• Microsoft Azure;
• Stripe;
• Open AI;
• Mailchimp;
• Google;
• GoDaddy.
